about the conference

We are a coalition of diverse organizations and volunteers who fight for public luxury and believe in a more democratic, social and ecological economy.

After a phenomenal first socialization conference in October 2022, we are returning! From March 15 to 17, 2024, we look forward to exchanging radical perspectives on the present for a better future with numerous activists, scientists, trade unionists, politicians and many more.

This year, we are focusing on a socio-ecological transformation of key areas of our economy and society and looking at how socialization can contribute to a climate-friendly future. Struggles and conflicts over climate justice show that private property relations and profit orientation are at the root of numerous crises of the 21st century. Together, we will develop various project ideas and campaigns aimed at democratic management from below in the energy, agriculture and food, care and mobility sectors.

Let’s Socialize – Putting the Economy of the Many into Practice!

Within the four thematic areas, we will spend three days discussing and planning in workshops and on panels in order to strengthen existing or emerging movements. We want to think about a democratic economy in many different ways and find practical approaches. That is why we are inviting different actors to a constructive exchange – whether you work in agriculture or care facilities or are committed to an ecological and social energy supply and mobility. Together, we will reflect on past failures and try to build on existing successes. By focusing on questions of practice and organisation, we are taking the current debates on socialisation from the podiums to the streets and into the workplaces!

A conference of

Funded by

Supported in part by a grant from the Foundation Open Society Institute in cooperation with the Europe and Eurasia Program of the Open Society Foundations