October 7-9, 2022


The Programme


Arrival and Registration

Auditorium H0105

Kick-off panel

Believe the Hype - Socialization as a pathway to the good life for all?

The success of DWe was a political earthquake and other campaigns such as RWE & Co. eneignen and Hamburg enteignet are on their way to success. We will open the conference together with these initiatives, inputs by Sabine Nuss and Bini Adamczak and show how the question of ownership has potential for progressive politics.

Strategies around the Property Question – Concepts and Theoretical Reflections on Socialization

Current crisis show: We need to gain democratic control of common goods and infrastructures. Private property is at the core of a societal order that makes a good life for all impossible. This track will focus on the potential of ownership questions as part of an overarching political project. How can socialization become a central political issue in the coming years? How do we forge progressive alliances along the ownership question that sustainably mobilize different groups – from climate activists to tenants, from feminist to anti-racist groups, from local citizens’ initiatives to global movements? How can socialization become a central political issue in the coming years? What is the relationship between extra-parliamentary campaigns around socialization and the mass organizations of the left (trade unions, political parties, welfare associations)?

Current Struggles and Campaigns around Property – Movements and their Successes in Focus

In Berlin ‘DWe’ has won the referendum to socialize large parts of the housing sector in Berlin. Meanwhile, ‘RWE & Co enteignen’ and ‘Hamburg enteignet’ are starting further socialization campaigns. In this track we take a look at current political campaigns and struggles around the question of ownership. We will discuss the political situation in different sectors such as housing, energy, health. How can we ensure housing and energy supply for all? How can we struggle for health care system that is oriented towards the well-being of patients and care workers and not private profits? In this track we will celebrate, strengthen and connect existing initiatives.

Ownership Issues and Socialization in Other Sectors – Initial Conditions and Strategic Possibilities

Why is socialization and the democratization of the economy also a feminist project? What distinguishes the socialization of the automotive industry from the socialization of care work and the platform economy? Which actors are able to enforce socializations? In this track, we look at differing conditions and strategic potentials of struggles around the ownership question in different sectors. Democratization and socialization are able to bring together social, ecological as well as feminist and anti-racist demands as a unifying class politics. In this strand, we want to develop strategies for how to build campaigns and movements around the ownership question in different sectors and build on existing successes and experiences. In this track we will develop strategies on how to build campaigns and movements around the property question in different sectors and build on existing successes and experiences.

Learning from the Past – a Look at the History of Struggles for Democratization and Socialization

What experiences in the past have been made in the struggles for an economy of the many and what lessons can be learned for future approaches? DWE has put democratic public ownership back on the agenda with its proposal to expropriate real estate corporations. In doing so, the campaign politically builds on a rich history of struggles, movements and debates around socialization and the democratization of the economy. In this track, we want to take a look at past struggles such as the trade union-led movement for the socialization of the steel industry in Germany in the 1980s and the socialization movement in the early Weimar Republic and draw conclusions for current movements.

Insights into the Political Economy of a Democratized Economic System

What experiences in the past have been made in the struggles for an economy of the many and what lessons can be learned for future approaches? DWE has put democratic public ownership back on the agenda with its proposal to expropriate real estate corporations. In doing so, the campaign politically builds on a rich history of struggles, movements and debates around socialization and the democratization of the economy. In this track, we want to take a look at past struggles such as the trade union-led movement for the socialization of the steel industry in Germany in the 1980s and the socialization movement in the early Weimar Republic and draw conclusions for current movements.

Global Perspectives on the Property Question – Socialization as a Way to Global Justice

In an economy characterized by global relations of exploitation, questions of socialization cannot be narrowed down to the national level. Globalized financial capitalism is still based on (neo-)colonial structures and racist relations of domination. In this track we look at global emancipatory struggles and bring the socialization question into the context of global struggles, movements and discourses around solidarity economy, colonial critique and climate justice. (How) Can there be a common struggle for all those who suffer under the status quo – in the Global South and in the Global North? What can be learned in the Global North from the struggles in the Global South and how can we strengthen global solidarity?

Into Practice – Skill Sharing, Networking, and the Practical Building of a Socialization Movement

The struggle for socialization and democratic public ownership is above all practical work. Building succesful campaigns, effective press work and creating convincing political narratives are among the skills we need for socialization struggles. There is a lot to be learned from the succesful campaing in Berlin. In this track we will look at succesful strategies and see what can be learned and transferred to other struggles. Moreover, we will debate together, whether and how we will stay in touch, which structures we need and how we can build and grow our movement.

[T] = with translation

[EN] = English speaking


Phase One

Expropriation, Socialization and the Democratization of Economy - Theoretical Aspects and Political Potentials [T]

  • Jenny Stupka (Deutsche Wohnen und Co. Enteignen) – moderation
  • Alex Demirovic (Rosa -Luxemburg-Stiftung)
  • Silke van Dyk (University of Jena)
  • Robin Celikates (FU Berlin)
Room A053

The ownership question is back but what does that mean exactly? How can we think about central concepts such as expropriation, socialization, and economic democracy, for example, and open them up for concrete politics and social movements? How can or should socialization be implemented in order to fulfill the potential that theoretically and strategically lies in the question of ownership? And: What is actually the relationship between progressive movements and critical theorizing? These and many other questions are the focus of this panel.

Remunicipalization through buyback - successes and pitfalls

  • Jorinde Schulz (Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand)
  • Andrea Mühlebach (University of Bremen)
  • Thomas Eberhard-Köster (attac)
Room MA144

In many places, people are fighting back against the devastating consequences of the privatization of public infrastructure. For example, in recent decades, grassroots initiatives have fought to keep vital resources such as water, electricity, waste management and housing in public hands or to buy them back. Despite impressive successes, the movement faces major challenges. This is because buybacks do not always mean that the neoliberal reorganization of services of general interest and thus the structural conditions of privatization are reversed. Thus, at worst, municipalizations can also become part of privatization cycles. We want to discuss these pitfalls and their ways out, using concrete examples, in order to open up a strategic perspective for remunicipalization.

The movement to socialize the steel industry in the 80s

  • Axel Troost (Working Group Alternative Economic Policy)
  • Ralf Hoffrogge (historian, expropriating Deutsche Wohnen and co.)
Room MA141

With its referendum in September 2021, the Berlin-based initiative to expropriate Deutsche Wohnen and co. has put the ownership issue and an alternative to the market back on the political agenda with a bang. The last major movement in this direction was almost 40 years ago: in 1983, the IG Metall trade union set about socializing the West German steel industry. The idea of socialization in the steel industry gained momentum when a publication picked up on these efforts from IG Metall: Memorandum 81 of the Alternative Economic Policy Working Group. This event will focus on this report on the possibility of socializing the German steel industry, the ambitions of the employees and IG Metall, and the question of what we can learn from it today.

Current approaches of progressive economics in conversation with democratization of economy: post-Keynesianism, commons & democratic planned economy.

  • Eva Völpel (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation) – Moderation
  • Dierk Hirschel (ver.di chief economist)
  • Jonna Klick
  • Jakob Heyer (University of Jena)
Room H0106

Double whammy and bazooka. In the crisis, economic policy is back in the political field. As a result, the economy is also becoming more political again. The event will be about how a political economy can look like that does not only react in the crisis, but can seriously point beyond the existing and work on a democratization of the economy. For this purpose, three current theoretical and economic-political currents will come together in (dis)conversation with each other and a focus on socialization and democratization.

On the Promise of the Commons - decolonial approaches to food.

  • Jessica Valdez (FairBindung e.V.)
  • Daniellis Hernandez
Room MA550

In this workshop, we share ideas about the decay of the colonial
paradigm and the promise of repossessing the commons for our collective future. Seeds and living systems are not freehold systems to be privatized, patented, or exploited. Rather, the commons are central to all of life. The workshop will address the threat to the commons from corporations, the brilliance of indigenous seed crops and breeding, the toxicity of GMO crops to our bodies and the planet, the benefits of agroecological agriculture, and the need for diversity in our ecosystems and justice movements. The workshop will question the green-tinged aspirations of tech barons and connect them to the legacies of colonialism and imperialism as a similar “civilizing” mission. Up to 30 people can participate in the workshop led by Jessica Valdez (FairBindung e.V.).

Skill Sharing & Campaign Building I: Insights into the Engine Room of a Socialization Campaign

  • Leonie Heine (Deutsche Wohnen und Co. Enteignen)
  • Lucas Kannenberg (Expropriating Deutsche Wohnen and co.)
Room MA650

Decentralized campaign structures, low-threshold participation offerings and local anchoring in the neighborhoods. This is what made the campaign to expropriate Deutsche Wohnen and co so successful. In their workshop, Lucas and Leonie from the DWe Sammel-AG talk about how to structure and set up such a campaign, the organizational work behind it, and the long-term mobilization strategies that DWe is pursuing.

Regulate, Smash, Socialize - How Do We Disempower Big Tech?

  • Friederike Hildebrandt – moderation
  • Astrid Schöggl (AK Vienna)
  • Timo Lange (Lobbycontrol)
  • Jonas Pentzien (IÖW)
  • Rainer Rehak (Forum Computer Scientists for Peace and Social Responsibility)
Room A060

Google, Amazon & Co combine lobbying power and market power to an extent that is detrimental to democracy. This is not least because the platforms have now become part of the public sphere with video portals such as YouTube (Google) or the world’s largest online search engine. The EU has recently passed new rules for overpowering platforms with the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA). Are these new rules enough to limit the power of Big Tech? Or should the tech corporations be broken up or even socialized? Can regulation, unbundling and socialization complement each other, and what would be democratic platform alternatives? We will discuss this in a panel discussion followed by a plenary debate.


Auditorium H0105

Panel Two

Democratic Economy - an Alternative Political Economy after Socialization

Socialization is not just about changing ownership but also about the question of how to organise common ownership. In this panel we ask the difficult question: “What happens after expropriation?”. Together with Julia Fritzsche (Moderation), Daniel Loick, Franziska Wiethold, Rabea Berfelde and a video message by Eva von Redecker we will take a look at postcapitalist futures and develop ideas for a democratic economy and its different forms of ownership.


Collective Coffee in the Morning


Phase Two

Socialization as Unifying Class Politics

  • Lukas Warning (communia) – moderation
  • Kim Lucht (University of Jena)
  • Barbara Fried (Rosa -Luxemburg-Stiftung)
  • Pascal Meiser (Member of the Bundestag, DIE LINKE)
  • Eleonora Roldán Mendívil (University of Kassel)
Room H0104

The property question is at the heart of a politics that can unite climate, feminist, anti-racist and trade union struggles. How do ownership structures relate to different perspectives and experiences? How can socialization unite the interests of the wage-dependent class? Which actors and projects lead to a broad and strong socialization movement and what are the next steps? The format of this event will be a panel discussion.

From Relief Strikes to Socialization? - Abolish Per-Case Payments, Expropriate Asklepios & Co.!

  • Julia Dück (Rosa -Luxemburg-Stiftung) – Moderation
  • Sebastian Durben (Aktionsbündnis Uniklinik Marburg Gießen)
  • Nadja Rakowitz (Verein Demokratischer Ärzt*innen)
  • Dana Lützkendorf (ver.di)
Room H0110

Since Corona, it has become even clearer: health care is too essential to be left to the market. However, the political path to a public instead of profit-oriented health care system is complex and strategically difficult with the per-case flat rate system and also the underfunding of even public hospitals. This event will focus on how the current dynamics in the labor struggles for a relief collective agreement can be linked to other health policy initiatives and whether the socialization perspective can be a politically meaningful intensification in the hospital sector. The format of this event will be a panel discussion.

Conversion, Socialization and Public Mobility - How Will a Socio-Ecological Mobility Transition Succeed?

  • Achim Heier (attac) – moderation
  • Laura Meschede (Climate Protection and Class Struggle)
  • Simon (Antikapitalistisches Klimatreffen)
  • Mario Candeias (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)
  • Carl Waßmuth (Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand)
Room MA004
To even come close to maintaining a chance of meeting the 1.5 degree target, a massive transformation of the transport sector is needed. However, as long as corporations strive for profit maximization in the sense of private owners and are subject to global competition, the scope for action for socio-ecological transformation is limited. If private property remains unquestioned, workers and unions are left only with defensive struggles within the existing fossil model, and social and environmental interests can be played off against each other. In this panel discussion, we look at the potentials of socialization for the mobility sector and gain an overview of different problem areas. What role does the profit-oriented but state-owned railroad company play? How can we tie in with the potential for decommodification of mobility that has become visible with the 9€ ticket? What role can expropriating the big car companies and building public, democratic mobility industries play in this?

Energy as a Public Good rather than Corporate Profits - What to Do about Energy Poverty and Inflation?

  • Lasse Thiele (Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie)
  • Uwe Witt (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)
  • Lisa Mittendrein (attac Austria)
Room MA144
The energy price crisis drastically raises the question of ownership. From the nationalization of Uniper to the gas levy – risks are socialized and profits privatized. It is clear that left-wing politics must offer people answers to the energy price crisis. So in addition to looking at the production side, we should also look at the consumption side. What could a socialization of energy look like? What role does ownership play in this and do we need short-term measures that are detached from it? How can we make political use of current developments in the energy sector, such as the nationalization of Uniper? We will discuss this in an interactive workshop with Lasse Thiele, Uwe Witt and Lisa Mittendrein.

"Socialism Comes from Socialization" - Struggles for Socialization and Nationalization in the First Half of the 20th Century

  • Jacob Blumenfeld (University of Oldenburg) [Vortrag EN]
  • Michael Buckmiller (Historian)
Room H0107
The discussion about socialization and expropriation is not new. The question of socialization was raised particularly intensively after the First World War. In the early Weimar Republic, the workers’ movement discussed how the socialization and democratization of the means of production could work. For example, in the wake of the November Revolution, the first German Socialization Commission was established to prepare for the socialization of industry. What were the reasons for the failure of socialization efforts in the Weimar Republic? What concepts were under discussion at the time? But above all, what can we learn from the historical experience? This event includes two lectures followed by a discussion. Note: one of the lectures will be held in English, the rest of the event (including the discussion) in German.

Socialization and then What? - Insights into a New Debate about Possibilities for Democratic Planning

  • Jan Groos (Future Histories Podcast) – Moderator
  • Christoph Sorg (Ruhr-Uni Bochum)
  • Stefan Meretz (Commons-Institut)
  • Heide Lutosch (Author)
Room HE101
We are witnessing in the German-speaking world the revival of an academic and political debate around concrete post-capitalist economic planning and radical democratization. Through the climate crisis and the degrowth debate, the need for decentralized, democratic economic planning is becoming clearer. While new digital technologies show that this is increasingly possible, the debate remains in its infancy. This event provides a first insight into the current mainly academic debate on democratic planning of economic processes and furthermore asks for political entry projects and perspectives of an economic transformation through democratic planning. The format of this event is a moderated conversation by Jan Groos .

Global alliances for an economy of common ownership [EN]

  • Nele Wiehenkamp (Orga-Team of the conference) – Moderation
  • Libère Bukobero (ADISCO, Burundi)
  • Chandan Kumar (Working People’s Charter India)
Room MA550
How can an economy that is based on common ownership look in practice? How do we design economic systems that serve people and planet and are based on principles of solidarity rather than profit? How can we strengthen international alliances and strengthen transnational solidarity with existing struggles worldwide by asking ownership questions?
These are the questions we want to discuss in this workshop with a lecture and discussion. .

Skill Sharing and Campaign Building II: Narratives on Socialization and Public Relations

  • Tobias (DWE Social Media Team)
  • Sofia (DWE Press Team)
Room MA141
Expropriating Deutsche Wohnen and co. has also set new standards for social movements in external communication. Public relations and the translation of political demands into comprehensible messages and convincing narratives still play a relevant role today. Tobias and Sofia from the Public Relations WG will provide practical insights into DWE’s social media and press strategies in this workshop. This event is offered in a workshop format.

Skillsharing and campaign building III: framing the economy - narratives for a democratic economy

  • Bana Mahmood (Movement Hub)
Room MA650
“What is a comprehensible “story” for economic processes that no longer disguises “the economy” as an expert issue? How can we instead develop narratives for economic processes that political actors and social movements can bring into current debates and struggles? In this workshop, Bana from the Movement Hub will provide insight into the beginnings of the “Framing the Economy” project and present experiences from the current socialization movement on how such narratives on the property question can be politically persuasive.” This event is offered in workshop format.



Phase Three

"The parliamentary arm of the expropriation lobby" - on the relationship of left parties to the property question and the socialization movement

  • Malene Gürgen (taz) – Moderation
  • Janine Wissler (Die LINKE)
  • Rouzbeh Taheri (Deutsche Wohnen und co. enteignen)
Room MA004

The social movements have submitted: In September 2021, Deutsche Wohnen wins the referendum on the socialization of large housing corporations. A year later, we are in the midst of an energy crisis and the Left Party is making ambitious demands for the socialization of energy companies. In this event, Malene Gürgen from the taz leads a conversation with Janine Wissler (Party Chair, DIE LINKE) and Rouzbeh Taheri, one of the first activists at Deutsche Wohnen and co enteignen about socialization in Berlin and beyond, as well as the relationship between social movements and parliamentary parties and strategies against the current energy crisis.

Socializing housing I: building on the success of DWe - for a socialized housing sector

  • Felix Wiegand (Nationwide networking Deutsche Wohnen und co. enteignen) – Moderation
  • Isabella Rogner (Deutsche Wohnen und co. enteignen)
  • Florian Kasiske (Hamburg Enteignet)
  • Ulrike Hamann (Berliner Mieterverein)
  • Andrej Holm (Humboldt University)
  • Caren Lay (Member of the German Bundestag, Die LINKE)
Room HE101
Where do we currently stand on the housing issue? One year after the referendum of DWe, a situation between hope and anger, between socialization and continuous displacement of tenants* has emerged. The rent movement is programmatically offensive as seldom and partly nevertheless on the defensive. This event will focus on the status quo of the tenants* movement and politics as well as next steps. For this purpose, starting points, chances and hurdles for a further dynamic around socialization and a synchronization with other rent policy initiatives are to be taken into account.

Housing socialization II: social and ecological

  • Kai Kuhnhenn (Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie)
  • Taskforce social-ecological socialization – Deutsche Wohnen und co. enteignen
  • Lisa Vollmer (Bauhaus University Weimar)
Room MA550
Housing space and ownership is unevenly distributed in Germany, and demand is rising steadily. The workshop will look at what this has to do with the privatized housing market and
to what extent socialization is a solution. We discuss this in small groups and consider what instruments and strategies would be needed to
Distributing housing fairly, and what that actually means.

Socializing the digital economy- Against platform power [EN]

  • Dominik Piétron (Humboldt University) – Moderation
  • James Muldoon (University of Exeter)
Audimax (H0105)
This session discusses the special characteristics of the digital economy as well as concrete transformational possibilities. Todays digital economy is characterized by strong centralization of data, capital and power. How could we conceive of a different digital realm – one that is defined by democratic control and collective ownership of digital infrastructures? How do we challenge the power of platforms and what comes after them? In this session James Muldoon will hold a talk on these timely questions followed by an interview with Dominik Piétron.

Ownership and regulation of the energy sector - co-determination in transformation processes of lignite mining regions

  • Axel Troost (Arbeitsgruppe Alternative Wirtschaftspolitik) – Moderation
  • Uwe Witt (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)
  • Ulrike Eifler (DIE LINKE NRW)
  • Daniel Knorr (DGB Leipzig-Nordsachsen)
Room MA144
In this workshop we will discuss concepts for the socio-ecological transformation of the energy sector. After two presentations, we will move into a moderated discussion with the audience. Uwe Witt will speak on the issue of the state and the role of ownership and regulation in the energy sector. Daniel Knorr will shed light on the transformation of coal companies in East Germany and their role in structural change from a trade union perspective. The discussion will be moderated by Axel Troost.

Socialization as sufficiency-politics

  • Benjamin Best (Wuppertal Institut)
  • Lia Polotzek (BUND)
  • Jonas Lage (European University Flensburg, I.L.A.-Kollektiv)
Room MA141
In this workshop we want to address the relationship between socialization and sufficiency politics. What is the impact of socialization on sufficiency, are socialized farms and enterprises more ecological? And if not, could socialization lead to producing fewer and more ecological products in the future? Conversely, what is the impact of sufficiency policies on socialization? Can sufficiency policy be an enabler for socialization? And if so, in what way? Based on these guiding questions, we want to discuss in a participatory workshop after two inputs, looking in particular at the areas of energy, housing, mobility and food.

Old and new forms of collective ownership - successes and conflicts around state-owned enterprises, cooperatives and co. in the sign of current crises

  • Tilman Reitz (Uni Jena) – Moderation
  • Gisela Notz (historian, social scientist)
  • Markus Kip (Uni Jena)
  • Niklas Stoll (Deutsche Wohnen und co. enteignen)
Room H0107
The history of public ownership is richer than is commonly portrayed. Numerous plural property models and forms of organization can be found around the world, from whose problems and successes lessons can be learned for today’s struggles. Gisela Notz will give a historical overview of alternative ownership models-from cooperatives to state-owned enterprises and other forms of collective ownership. Tilman Reitz will then moderate a discussion with Markus Kip and Niklas Stoll on the potentials of old and new economic forms of organization in times of multiple crises.

Housing III - Socialization and Regulation of Housing across Europe: Social Movement Tactics [EN]

  • Peter Bescherer (Uni Jena) – Moderation
  • Rita Silva (housing activist, Lisbon, Portugal)
  • Eniko Vincze (Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
  • Knut Unger (rent activist)
  • Ilhan Kellecioglu (political scientist)
Room H0110
This panel discusses the question of expropriation/socialization of housing from the perspective of European networked social movements. Different housing policy contexts (dominance of private home ownership vs. dominance of rented housing) as well as different movement mobilization capabilities demand different tactics regarding the demand of expropriation. Participants in the discussion come from Germany, Sweden, Romaniaand Portugal and are part of the project MovE – Movements of Europe – Transnational social movements and fault lines of solidarity.


Networking for a socialization movement

Networking for a Socialization Movement I: Hot Autumn and the Socialization Question


Networking for a Socialization Movement II: Building Nationwide Organizing – How Do We Become More Powerful?

Networking for a socialization movement III: Powerful through resilient alliances – Who needs to be part of a socialization movement?


Auditorium H0105

Panel Three

Alliances around the property question - how do we fight for socialization together?

How do we forge resilient and growing alliances/movements/organizations for veg societies? With Lucas Wermeier (Fridays for Future), Kalle Kunkel (Deutsche Wohnen & Co. expropriate), Katalin Gennburg (MdA, DIE LINKE), Knut-Sören Steinkopf (ver.di) and Nina Scholz (journalist – moderator) we ask about the actors and strategies for a progressive renewal along the property question.



Phase Four

Socializing with legal means?! - opportunities & obstacles in the existing legal and institutional order

  • Franziska Drohsel (Institut Solidarische Moderne)
  • Tim Wihl (University of Erfurt, Expert*innenkommission Volksentscheid Vergesellschaftung Berlin)
  • Cara Röhner (RhineMain University of Applied Sciences)
Room H0107
In this event we want to deal with the conditions under which socialization is possible according to Art. 15 GG. We look at the basics, deal with the arguments of the opponents of DWE and want to discuss in perspective in which other areas socialization is conceivable and which forms of collective ownership are possible. Cara Röhner (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences) and Tim Wihl (University of Erfurt, Expert*innenkommission Volksentscheid Vergesellschaftung Berlin) will discuss and Franziska Drohsel (Institut Solidarische Moderne) will moderate. The format of this event will be a panel discussion.

"At the front doors instead of in the parliaments" - 10 theses on the organizational form and program of a socialization movement

  • activists of Deutsche Wohnen & co enteignen
Room H0111
The focus of this workshop is to discuss success factors of a movement for socialization with all attendees. What should be the program of such a movement? And how do we organize ourselves and others to do so? We start from pointed theses that Lemon and Jenny from DW & Co. expropriate against the background of the common political work. All are invited to join in – both activist experience and sympathetic outside observation can greatly enrich our discussion!

Socialization of the care economy

  • Nadine Gerner (Orga-Team of the conference) – Moderation
  • Manuela Zechner (Uni Jena)
  • Barbara Fried (Rosa -Luxemburg-Stiftung)
  • Kirsten Schubert (Polyclinic Syndicate)
Room MA141
One problem with care work is that it is attributed to women*, often done in private or poorly paid. This domineering division of labor between the sexes is the basis of patriarchal violence. And people who do a lot of unpaid care work are often at risk of poverty and socially isolated. All this can only be changed if care is taken comprehensively into social responsibility – i.e. socialized and demoractically organized. What might that look like? We do not want to professionalize all care activities. What can practices of commoning look like without merely producing subcultural niches? Polyclinics, for example, are a way of thinking about health care differently and combining it with neighborhood organizing. It is about building collective power in the field of social reproduction. Many concerns are combined in the municipalist idea of “caring cities”, in which the struggle is for a socialization of life and the conditions of social reproduction. With the speakers and max. 50 participants we will talk about what we can learn from previous struggles and about the potentials of socialization as a strategy for feminist movements.

Between Energy Transition and Fossil Legacies - Socialization Perspectives in Energy Production

  • Jonah (RWE & Co enteignen)
  • Simon Toewe (Movement Hub) – Moderation
  • Elisa Baş (Fridays for Future)
  • Marie-Sol Reindl (Shell must fall)
Room MA144
Energy prices are skyrocketing, raising fears of a cold winter. The government responds in terms of energy policy with massive investments in fracking gas infrastructure, nuclear power plants that run longer, the dismantling of Lützerath and the nationalization of Uniper. A fossil fuel rollback hits a climate justice movement seeking guidance. Is it now time for a strategic focus on the socialization of the energy sector? Or is it wishful thinking that all problems on the way to a post-fossil energy age can be regulated via the ownership issue? This workshop brings together movement actors and is aimed at all (max. 50 participants) who would like to discuss these and many other questions.

Rebellious Barcelona, Red Graz, Yellow-Purple Berlin - Historical and Current Strategic Reflections on Municipalism and Left Politics at the Municipal Level

  • Katalin Gennburg (MdA, DIE LINKE) – moderation
  • Alex Heiter (expropriating Deutsche Wohnen and co.)
  • Raul Zelik (writer, social scientist)
Room HE101
Berlin, Graz, Barcelona – in the past decade, a number of progressive impulses once again emanated from struggles and elections in urban spaces. Can we learn anything from this strategically for left-wing politics? What characterizes the particular strategic possibilities and also limits of left-wing politics at the (metropolitan) level, and what can be learned by looking at the history of municipalist approaches and projects? WITH a look back at the history of munizipalist projects and a look forward at strategic possibilities and limits of DWe and rebellious governance, these questions will be discussed in a moderated conversation and subsequent discussion.

Planning against the climate crisis - degrowth, socialization and planned economy [T]

  • Simon Sutterlütti (Commons Institute)
  • Nina Treu (Konzeptwerk New Economy)
  • Markus Wissen (Political Scientist)
  • Elena Hofferberth (Economist)
Auditorium H0105
To limit the climate crisis, we need a planned, democratic and targeted reduction of climate-damaging production and, beyond that, a transformation of the current economic form. To this end, the event on “Planning against the Climate Crisis” focuses on the intersections of the degrowth movement and the socialization debate and discusses in a moderated conversation what meaning planned economy and market can have for a post-growth economy and what this means in practical terms.

Postcolonial perspectives on property and climate justice.

  • Joschi Wolf and Andrina Freitag (Kipppunktkollektiv)
Room MA550
Can processes of socialization lead to more global
Lead justice? Is there an intersectional and postcolonial perspective in the current debate on alternative property models? At the core of climate justice is linking action against the climate crisis with social justice issues and thinking intersectionally. Based on this approach, we want to take a critical look at the question of property and socialization processes in Germany in our interactive workshop and discuss approaches for postcolonial perspectives together. In doing so, we also want to explore the commonalities of both movements and reflect on potential alliances. Up to 30 people can participate in the workshop by Joschi Wolf and Andrina Freitag (Kipppunktkollektiv).

Forum socialization -beginnings of a permanent exchange space

  • Vincent Janz (communia)
Room MA650

With Hamburg enteignet! and RWE and CO. expropriate, make themselves, already further local participants and campaigns on the way to place the property question in the housing sector now also in Hamburg and to focus also the energy problem so essential for the hot autumn. In short, the political moment of a supra-regional socialization movement that DWe has fought for is in the air anyway. However, the necessary further networking, strategic considerations, and organizing perspectives are still in their infancy. In this slot, we want to compile the results of the Saturday afternoon’s “Networking for a Socialization Movement” slot and think further about how to build a socialization movement in a workshop format.

Ground policy and the right to the city AND the country! - Why the ground must become one of the most important socialization struggles

  • Gesine Langlotz (landless farmer and climate activist, AbL Mitteldeutschland)
  • Anne Klingenmeier (Ackersyndikat)
Room H0110

Farmland prices are as precarious as the housing market
in Berlin and not only because of this, agriculture must become one of the most important socialization struggles. Land is both our livelihood and an attractive object of speculation – for housing and for food production. Soil is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands. This is dangerous, because whoever has land has power. How can progressive urban policy and agricultural policy pull together! For affordable basic needs, redistribution and democratic management. And how can rural areas, which have always supplied cities with energy, food and building materials, be transformed from forgotten hinterlands to sites of social transformation? After all, a democratic economy is impossible without progressive and implementable concepts for rural regions. Lecture with discussion by Gesine Langlotz (landless farmer and climate activist, AbL Mitteldeutschland) and Anne Klingenmeier (Ackersyndikat) for about 100 people.


Auditorium H0105

Final Panel

Guess who's back? - The question of ownership

In the closing panel, we venture a look back and a look forward. How do we make socialization the central issue of the 2020s? We discuss this with Mario Candeias (Institute for Social Analysis of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation), the conference’s organizing team as well as Julia Dück (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation), Laura Meschede (Climate Protection and Class Struggle) and Ruth Kron (Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie).