Inspiring narratives, growing alliances, successful strategies.
For a social-ecological transformation toward an economy that works for all of us.
Whether climate catastrophe or global injustice, whether rent madness or nursing shortage:
Ownership issues lie at the root of many 21st century challenges. Current debates and growing movements for socialization outline the path toward a democratic economy revolving around the common good.
With the conference “Socialization: Strategies for a Democratic Economy” we invite activists, scientists, trade unionists, politicians and many more to take radical perspectives on the present for a better future. From housing to health care and mobility to energy supply, we want to create alliances and collectively reframe the question of ownership – just as “Deutsche Wohnen und Co. enteignen” has successfully done.
In order to continue building an economy of the many, we look at past successes and failures, invite constructive exchange between different actors, and strengthen existing and emerging movements. Together we learn from and with each other and develop strategies for socialization and a democratic economy in a social-ecological transformation.
Ownership issues lie at the root of many 21st century challenges. Current debates and growing movements for socialization outline the path toward a democratic economy revolving around the common good.
With the conference “Socialization: Strategies for a Democratic Economy” we invite activists, scientists, trade unionists, politicians and many more to take radical perspectives on the present for a better future. From housing to health care and mobility to energy supply, we want to create alliances and collectively reframe the question of ownership – just as “Deutsche Wohnen und Co. enteignen” has successfully done.
In order to continue building an economy of the many, we look at past successes and failures, invite constructive exchange between different actors, and strengthen existing and emerging movements. Together we learn from and with each other and develop strategies for socialization and a democratic economy in a social-ecological transformation.

Insight into our program
With panels, keynotes, workshops, and interactive formats, we will give you a space for three days, to network, answer pressing strategic questions, and celebrate new beginnings.
How can the question of socialization and new ownership models be posed in different areas of society and what forms can they take; for example, in the transport sector, the health sector, or municipal services of general interest? Can the property question become the core of a progressive political project that organizes and mobilizes different social groups in a sustainable way? What role must processes of socialization and democratization play in a socio-ecological transformation? What experiences and models from past and present approaches to an economy of the many can be drawn on? What does a democratic economy with socialized sectors look like in concrete terms? What can actors in Germany learn from movements and struggles in other countries, especially in the Global South, and how can mutual strengthening take place?